- Get my drift? Should I explain it again? 明白了吗?要我再解释一遍吗?
- The humor here may be a bit dark for a bubbly blond but I think you get my drift. 到时候还是会有不需要你会操作电脑的工作,但和今天相比,这个比例会更小了。
- He adapted to them, and tried to throw them like Moose does, but no one can throw them like Moose does, if you get my drift. 穆帅教了查康一些新技巧、查康试著全盘接收并期盼能否投出像穆帅般的水准,但可惜的是即便经过穆帅的加持,查康也没办理投出像穆帅般的身手。
- And why not use the asset/shoe size ratio and the sale/coffee cups multiplicator? (The last two are made up but you get my drift). 另外,为何不用“资产/鞋子尺码比”以及“销售/咖啡杯乘数”?(后两种指标是我编的,但你明白我的意思。)
- Do you get my drift? 你听懂我意思了么?
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 让我把我的零碎东西收拾起来。
- Hold on a minute while I get my breath back. 停一停,让我喘口气。
- I had to pay out 200 to get my car repaired! 我得花200英镑修理汽车!
- Good night, I must get my beauty sleep. 再见吧,我得去睡个美容觉。
- I couldn't get my point across in the debate. 在辩论中我无法清楚地表明自己的观点。
- I'm glad to get my operation over. 熬到了手术结束,我很高兴。
- I'll kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him! 等我抓到那狗东西就把他给宰了!
- We're having a private conversation, catch my drift? 我们在谈私事,明白了吗?
- I have to get my front tyre blown up. 我得把前胎打一下气。
- His condescending attitude really gets my back up. 他那种居高临下的恩赐态度实在使我很生气。
- I got my hearing-aid on the NHS. 我的助听器是国民保健署资助的。
- He tricked me this time but I'll get my own back one day. 这次他欺骗了我,但总有一天我会报复他的。
- Hey, do you want to go out tonight and have a lot of fun? Catch my drift? 嘿,你今晚想出去玩一下吗?明白我的意思吗?
- I didn't pass my exams so I can't go to university. Do you follow my drift? 我考砸了,所以大学没戏了,明白否?
- I have tried to get my point across. 我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了。